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We kill it in technical

Make the right-click with CompuFixed for ON DEMAND and consistent expert technical support and services for the local and online community. 

" Thanks for calling CompuFixed Solutions, what can we fix for you today? "

Secure support from anywhere with an internet connection.


Remote support

Need a tech on demand? Call, text, e-mail, or submit a ticket and set up the best time for you.
Get back to doing
your thing!


An ally for all the tech you touch.
Call Us: 631-314-2456


Vibe checks for the best results.

Which CompuFixed Solution is best for your problem? Our vibe check is an analysis to see how we can best support your needs.


We aim to tailor your resolution at the turn of every concern. We're ready to listen, assist, and exceed your expectations.

Queens, NY

Secure and restore performance with proper system healthcare.



 Stay up and running with short-term and long-term system maintenance for websites, servers, and more.


" We got support when our new security device arrived, they also fixed 2 laptops for our staff. Extremely satisfied with the level of service and attention  "

Conklin Deli

Farmingdale, New York


Don't panic! we can help with installation of all types. Programs, hardware and more.

We stand on a simple philosophy to thoroughly Diagnose, Fix and Prevent!  Broken website links? Cracked Screens? Hung server? Not turning on? Fix IT with CompuFixed.

We offer Virtual Technical and Help Desk support, IRS Data Security Plans, Ediscovery services, and so much more to help your small business.

Why  choose compufixed?



Our Network Associates can help evaluate and resolve your network and device connectivity issues remotely or on-site.


" when our main embroidery program stopped working, they troubleshot the issue with the software vendor to get us back up and running! "


Huntington, New York

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Services & Solutions 

Computer Hardware Repair | Remote PC Troubleshooting | Home Security Installation | Website Design and Upkeep | Smart-device Repair
Network Support and Setup | Small Business IT Consulting | ESI Discovery Processing | and more

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